Fortinet Product Life Cycle – End of Life

Some frequently asked questions from our customers include:

What does "End of Life" (EOL) mean for Fortinet products?

End of Life (EOL) refers to the point when a Fortinet product is no longer supported with updates, patches, or security fixes. This typically occurs a few years after a product is released, signaling that it is time to upgrade or replace the device to maintain security and performance.

Once a product reaches its EOL date, it will no longer receive firmware updates, patches, or support from Fortinet. It’s crucial to replace or upgrade to a newer model to ensure your network remains secure and compliant with industry standards.

While you can continue using the product after EOL, it is strongly discouraged. Without ongoing updates and security patches, the device will become vulnerable to threats and might not meet compliance requirements, leaving your network exposed to risks. Additionally, there is not warranty or coverage in case of device damage.

No, once a Fortinet product reaches EOL, it is no longer eligible for license renewal. Fortinet will not offer new license keys or renewals for products that have been phased out. It’s important to plan ahead and upgrade to a supported device to ensure continuous security and functionality.

If your Fortinet product is nearing EOL and your license is about to expire, consider upgrading to a newer model. Fortinet offers trade-in programs and special renewal deals, so Contact Us to discuss the best upgrade or renewal options available to you.

List Updated: 2024-07-26

Fortinet establishes the Product Lifecycle Policy. Of particular importance to Fortinet customers are the three milestones in the product lifecycle that each Fortinet product goes through before reaching the end of its lifecycle:

  • EOO – End of Order Date: The end of order date is the last date on which a hardware or software product can be requested; after this date, the product is no longer available for sale. Fortinet will notify with a minimum of ninety days in advance the EOO date of the affected product by publishing an EOL notification.
  • LSED – Last Service Extension Date: The last date on which an order will be accepted, for a product that is no longer available for purchase, for an extension of an existing contract for subscription services for support or security. No service contract can be extended beyond the EOS date. The last service extension date is 12 months before the EOS date for the relevant product.
  • EOS – End of Support Date: The final milestone in the product lifecycle is the end of support date. After this date, Fortinet will not sell, manufacture, or enhance the product and is not obligated to provide support services. In general, EOS for hardware occurs 60 months after the end of order date.

Important: If you don’t see your model listed, it means that Fortinet hasn’t released an EOL yet for your device. Generally speaking, this means it likely has at least a couple more years of support.

You can also consult the official document of the Fortinet Product Lifecycle Policy.

Fortinet Product Life Cycle – End of Life