Fortinet Fortigate Firewalls

Analysis and Automation of the security framework

FortiAnalyzer banner Fortinet FortiAnalyzer -> Análisis, Automatización y Respuesta para la Security Fabric

FortiAnalyzer provides analysis and automation of the security framework to offer better detection and response to cyber risks.

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Available Models

SKUModelTypeGB/DayLogs/sec (LPS)Max Devices/VDOMs
FAZ-150GFortiAnalyzer 150GAppliance255005
FAZ-300GFortiAnalyzer 300GAppliance1002,000180
FAZ-800GFortiAnalyzer 800GAppliance2008,250800
FAZ-1000FFortiAnalyzer 1000FAppliance66020,0002,000
FAZ-3000GFortiAnalyzer 3000GAppliance3,00035,0004,000
FAZ-3500GFortiAnalyzer 3500GAppliance5,00060,00010,000
FAZ-4500FFortiAnalyzer 4500FAppliance20 TB300,00010,000+
FAZ-VMFortiAnalyzer VMVirtual Machine +2000Stackable10,000
FC1-10-AZCLDFortiAnalyzer CloudCloud StackableStackableUnlimited

Licensing Options

  • Enterprise Protection: 24x7 FortiCare plus Indicators of Compromise Service, SOC Subscription License, and FortiGuard Outbreak Alert Service.
  • 24x7 FortiCare Contract.
  • Subscription License for the FortiGuard Indicator of Compromise (IOC).
  • 24x7 FortiCare Contract.
  • Secure RMA Service.
  • Next Day Delivery Premium RMA Service.
  • 4-Hour Hardware Delivery Premium RMA Service.

Discontinued Models

  • FortiAnalyzer 100B
  • FortiAnalyzer 100C
  • FortiAnalyzer 200D
  • FortiAnalyzer 200F
  • FortiAnalyzer 300D
  • FortiAnalyzer 300F
  • FortiAnalyzer 400B
  • FortiAnalyzer 400C
  • FortiAnalyzer 400E
  • FortiAnalyzer 1000C
  • FortiAnalyzer 1000D
  • FortiAnalyzer 1000E
  • FortiAnalyzer 2000B
  • FortiAnalyzer 2000E
  • FortiAnalyzer 3000E
  • FortiAnalyzer 3500E
  • FortiAnalyzer 3500F
  • FortiAnalyzer 3700F
  • FortiAnalyzer 4000A
  • FortiAnalyzer 3000D
  • FortiAnalyzer 3900E
  • FortiAnalyzer 4000B