Email Security with Artificial Intelligence


SKU Model Type Messages/Hour Antispam+Virus/Hour Protected Domains
FML-200F FortiMail 200F Appliance 50,000 40,000 20
FML-400F FortiMail 400F Appliance 250,000 200,000 100
FML-900F FortiMail 900F Appliance 800,000 500,000 800
FML-2000E FortiMail 2000E Appliance 1,500,000 1,000,000 800
FML-3000E FortiMail 3000E Appliance 2.500.000 1.800.000 2.000
FML-3200E FortiMail 3200E Appliance 3.400.000 2.400.000 2.000
FML-2000F FortiMail 2000F Appliance 1.600.000 1.100.000 1.500
FML-3000F FortiMail 3000F Appliance 3.500.000 2.600.000 3.000

Virtual Machine

SKU Model Type Virtual CPUs Storage Capacity Protected Domains
FML-VM01 FortiMail VM01 Virtual Machine 1 1 TB 20
FML-VM02 FortiMail VM02 Virtual Machine 2 2 TB 100
FML-VM04 FortiMail VM04 Virtual Machine 4 4 TB 800
FML-VM08 FortiMail VM08 Virtual Machine 8 8 TB 2,000
FML-VM16 FortiMail VM16 Virtual Machine 16 12 TB 2,000
FML-VM32 FortiMail VM32 Virtual Machine 32 24 TB 2,000


SKU Model Type Messages/Hour Antispam+Virus/Hour Protected Domains
FC-10-FECLD-414 FortiMail Cloud - Gateway Cloud Scalable Scalable Unlimited
FC-10-FECLD-416 FortiMail Cloud - Server Cloud Scalable Scalable Unlimited

Licensing Options

  • FortiCare and FortiGuard Base Bundle
  • FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise ATP Bundle
  • FortiCare Contract
  • FortiMail Cloud Sandbox - Cloud Sandbox for FortiMail
  • Email Continuity service license
  • FortiGuard AV Services
  • FortiGuard AS Service
  • FortiGuard Virus Outbreak Protection Service
  • Dynamic Adult Image Analysis Service
  • Microsoft 365 API Integration Service
  • Next Day Delivery Premium RMA Service
  • 4-Hour Hardware Delivery Premium RMA Service
  • 4-Hour Hardware and Onsite Engineer Premium RMA Service
  • Secure RMA Service

Discontinued Models

  • FortiMail-200E
  • FortiMail 200D
  • FortiMail-1000D
  • FortiMail-3000D
  • FortiMail-400E


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